
Hi, I'm Natalia!

I am here to help and support you.

Teacher Friends,

It is Time:

To feel confident in YOUR teaching

See positive results in YOUR students

Go to work every day loving what YOU do

Even if:

You have a room full of unmotivated students

You feel you have 0 control what happens in your classroom

You have tried everything

 So you can stop feeling:


Stressed out


And start feeling:


Like you are making a difference

and LOVE what you do.


Here’s How I can Help:

1. Follow my blog for Classroom tested strategies and ideas that have worked in my classroom time and time again.

2. Follow my TPT store for Math products that are designed to reach ALL students.

3. Sign up today and automatically receive my 5 Rockstar Teacher Must- Haves Checklist, to begin growing your students today.

Hi, I’m Natalia!

My journey in education began since I was born. Both my mom and dad were great teachers (and still are). I saw their passion for their students and profession, but I also witnessed first hand the struggles of being a teacher. Even though I enjoyed when I was “voluntold” to help with lessons, tutor, grade, etc, i really thought, “I would never be a teacher, its too much.”

But, life really has a way of putting us on our right path. Fast forward to adulthood, I was at home with 3 children and desperately needed something else for me. An opportunity came up, thanks to a dear friend, for me to tutor at a charter middle/ high School. This is where my interest was reborn and a great passion was awaken in me to serve “At Risk” students. I then, worked as part of the Sped Team, to motivate and support academic growth in my students, which I am happy to say we were able to accomplish. Thanks to some great teacher role models, I made the decision to take this challenge into my own Secondary Math classroom and focus my energy on motivating and supporting students in my classroom. 

I love my Math classroom. I have learned so much from the colleagues I have had the honor of being surrounded with, and have been able to translate that knowledge, in leveraging student growth in my class room and then my Math team. 

I am at a place right now where I have tried and tested strategies I used in my classroom. I also have the experiences and knowledge of working/ leading a successful team. But the most important thing I have learned as a educator, is how crucial it is to have a strong support system. My goal here is, to share what i have learned (continue to learn) and support you in your Rockstar Teacher journey.

From the Blog

Don't Forget your "5 Rockstar Teacher Must-Haves, to begin to Grow your Students Guide".Grab yours today!