
Standardized Test Prep for Secondary Math

It is that time of year. The ever dreading testing season. Standardized test prep is essential to getting substantial growth from students year after year. I am sharing with you my strategies to plan an effective standardized test prep, to ensure we are giving that last push to students.  Standardized Test Prep Planning Strategies #1: […]

5 Student Engagement Activities for Secondary Math

I love these 5 student engagement activities for the secondary math classroom.  Student engagement in crucial in accomplishing substantial student growth In last week’s post I talked about how to set up your classroom environment to motivate and support high student engagement (link here). This week I am giving you my go to Math activities […]

Is Student Engagement something you want to increase? Begin Here

Do you want to Increase Student Engagement in your classroom? Student engagement is crucial for student success. Student engagement is when students show up to class, ready to learn and participate. The 3 areas impacted by student engagement are behavior, emotional and cognitive. Behavior, high student engagement equals, improvement in behavior. Emotional, if students feel […]