
Standardized Test Prep Practice Ideas

Are you asking yourself, “what standardized test prep practice should I give my students that works?”  In this blog post I am going to share with you test prep practice resources I use to get my students ready for any standardized test. 


Released Tests Questions-

This is the most effective form of test prep practice. It is important for students to get practice answering questions the way they are going to see them in the standardized test. I focus on one essential standard per day (more info here). This should be the main practice of the day. As students practice this, I also focus on testing strategies that they need to practice. After I desegregate the data to form groups (more info here) based on ability and standards, I then figure out what I am going to teach when. Grab the FREE Data Tracker Template and Testing Strategies heredardized-test-prep-practice-released-test-questions

Warm up during Test Prep-

Warm up time is still very important during test prep time. Not only does it set the tone for the rest of the class period. This is where I squeeze in Essential Standards that do not fit in the most tested category. I pick one Standard per week. Monday during warm up time I reteach it and give them a couple of questions. Then Tuesday- Thursday they practice it when they come in using released questions. Friday’s practice also counts as an assessment(2-3 questions), to inform me on their progress for this standard. Use these results to determine if you need to stay on this skill longer or can move on to another one next week.   standardized-test-prep-practice-warm-ups 

Engaging Activities for Test Prep-

I do like to have engaging activities for each standard. This gives students more practice on the standard of the day. These are better if they are self-checking and can be done independently. It gives students something engaging to do while I work with small groups.                                                                    standardized-test-prep-engaging activities

Technology for Test Prep-

This is an easy way to get students more practice and still give you the freedom to work with a small group. You can use technology to practice the standard of the day. Use technology to have students practice a skill they need to master the standard of the day. 


Which one is your favorite? What has given you the best results?

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Hi, I'm Natalia!

I am a Secondary Math Teacher with a mission to grow ALL students, especially struggling student and support teachers in doing the same.

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